These days many anglers take a tablet/small laptop with them whilst fishing, and given what some of those cost, you want to ensure that it stays dry and well protected when you aren’t using it!

this prize is not endorsed by the manufacturer


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Korda COMPAC Tablet Bag


Competition Finished

Winner(s) are

Username Ticket Number Gift Products Label Chosen Label
s************s TC66241232 - Fresh Water


This Competition has Ended.
View our current competitions here

Korda COMPAC Tablet Bag


These days many anglers take a tablet/small laptop with them whilst fishing, and given what some of those cost, you want to ensure that it stays dry and well protected when you aren’t using it!

this prize is not endorsed by the manufacturer

Competition Finished

Winner(s) are

Username Ticket Number Gift Products Label Chosen Label
s************s TC66241232 - Fresh Water